Seriously I work on my seated booty all the time - I love to chill out and go out to eat with friends and I only hike to and from my car form the house or work or the store so I think I need to share with you who's fault it is.
WORK! It can't be MY fault so I blame my job! HAHA!
OK seriously - for NO reason at all I brought in two bags of popcorn for all of us tonight that my sister popped. (Tonight she popped it on purpose for me to take in to work but last night she actually hadn't used the machine before and it popped all over the whole kitchen and exploded the top of the machine full of popped fresh kernels and the floor was covered! The dog loved this though) So again 2 lunch sacks full of fresh popped popcorn on our center table - then my co worker just brought in a plate full of white chocolate covered pretzels... YUM - and now my boss needs me to help her carry the crock pot of taco soup she's got in the kitchen so we can all enjoy it! And there's no birthday or event other than we all wanted to bring in food and if everyone eats it we don't feel so bad! Because everyone around us is eating it all too! LOL
Here's Mandi cleaning up last nights mess!
Our puppy is helping her! lol
Notice the popcorn on the counter and floor and the lid is hanging on barely!