Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feast Beast!

I really can't figure out why I weigh about 3 hundred and 30 pounds!?

Seriously I work on my seated booty all the time - I love to chill out and go out to eat with friends and I only hike to and from my car form the house or work or the store so I think I need to share with you who's fault it is.

WORK! It can't be MY fault so I blame my job! HAHA!

OK seriously - for NO reason at all I brought in two bags of popcorn for all of us tonight that my sister popped. (Tonight she popped it on purpose for me to take in to work but last night she actually hadn't used the machine before and it popped all over the whole kitchen and exploded the top of the machine full of popped fresh kernels and the floor was covered! The dog loved this though) So again 2 lunch sacks full of fresh popped popcorn on our center table - then my co worker just brought in a plate full of white chocolate covered pretzels... YUM - and now my boss needs me to help her carry the crock pot of taco soup she's got in the kitchen so we can all enjoy it! And there's no birthday or event other than we all wanted to bring in food and if everyone eats it we don't feel so bad! Because everyone around us is eating it all too! LOL


Here's Mandi cleaning up last nights mess!

Our puppy is helping her! lol
Notice the popcorn on the counter and floor and the lid is hanging on barely!

Friday, March 27, 2009

King Soopers Games!

King Soopers is the local Grocery store of choice. Who's choice? Mine. I grew up going there so it's more of habit than anything. I could choose the Safeway across the street - or the Albertsons down the road... but I usually default to the King Soopers.

The other night on our way back from Colorado Springs for a family getaway, my sister Mandi, my boyfriend Mike and I decided to stop for a few things before settling in at home. Nothing too exciting happened, we checked out a hot beefy tattooed guy who kept popping up wherever we were (AND who Mike and I totally got busted checking out when we first saw him!) we shopped and then we began to head out of the store.

As Mandi and Mike lead the way I was called to attention by this guy who'd pulled his cart full of groceries over to the side and began yelling to us.

"HEY! Guys.... can I talk to you?"

Mike kept walking and Mandi was halfway to the car. I'm thinking that I'm too close and had already made eye contact so I couldn't just ignore this obvious sales person.

We're in the suburbs so it's not often you get gaggled by people wanting money from you at the store... well other than those needy little girl scouts when they're selling cookies.

The guy introduced himself (Names forgotten already) and he shook my hand and followed as I kept a pace (slower than the original but still car bound) to help unload the items into Mike's car.

He asked me if Mike and I would be interested in playing for this football team that he owns?

FOOTBALL? I know I should be all butch and manly and into it but honestly I don't even get the game... I've tried - it just never stuck. I explained to him as we kept walking through the parking lot that I don't even like football.

"Seriously? Wow... I bet the two of you together would be an amazing force!"

OK When he said that I went mentally to pure porn! I couldn't help it - and yes there were shoulder pads involved in my thoughts... but not football. PORN!

I withheld my thoughts and comments other than to say... "yeah not into it but thank you though"

He said thanks and shook his head like we had let him down... ruined his day.

Then I hear Mike at the car with my sister as they are putting the groceries into the trunk as he says... "I like penis.... I like penis"

I know many gay guys who still like football but it made me chuckle. - I guess that guy shops for all sorts of beef when he's at the store. ... HAHA!~ So do we.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Copied the Story but Added the Picture!

LEXINGTON PARK, Md. - A Southern Maryland woman was seriously injured in a mishap involving a sex toy over the weekend. The case was first reported on BayNet.com, and Saint Mary's County Public Safety sources confirmed the information to WUSA in Washington, D.C.

The accident was reported to local fire and rescue personnel about 1:30 a.m. on March 7, from an address on Rogers Drive. The man who made the 911 call said he had placed a sex toy over a saber saw blade, and then used the power tool on his partner, but the blade cut through the plastic and injured the woman.

The victim, a 27-year-old woman, was reportedly injured and bleeding. She was later flown to Prince George's hospital center by Maryland State Police helicopter.

County law enforcement officials who were familiar with the media report about this case said, although they were not initially called to investigate the incident, they would likely follow up to determine it was just an accident and involved consensual behavior.