Saturday, November 28, 2009

it's Official!

ok it's official Bologna and Cheese sandwiches are great with a slight spread of Baconnaise! YUM!

here's a pic for Damon!

Play it again Sammy!

Todays topic: The Sandwich -- Definition... A sandwich is a food item consisting of two or more slices of bread with one or more fillings between them, or one slice of bread with a topping or toppings on top of the bread could be considered an "open-faced"

Mike made my lunch today! He asked if I'd like a sandwich. I of course would LOVE one! (I was very busy decorating the Christmas tree and Knitting!!)

He asked if I wanted: Turkey, Roast beef or Bologna? - I chose Bologna - then he asked if I wanted American Cheese or Provolone... I thought about it and chose American.. if you're doing bologna you should make it as trashy as you can.

Growing up I thought eating bologna was no big deal and in fact my mother made something called Bologna-spread for my dad too when I was younger. It was like a tuna salad concept but had bologna as the meat substance. then spread with cheese on open faced pieces of bread. Usually a weekend lunch item eaten during breaks from his yard work.

As I grew friends of mine were the cute little girls on carts at the golf course selling refreshments - Burritos and sandwiches and drinks - but they told me they felt so shy to tell the guys they even had bologna sandwiches as a choice for them. ??? I Don't know why? I told them I love me some bologna (Do they have bologna in every country? or is this a USA thing?) and they laughed at me for being an adult and eating a "child's sandwich"

They said that only kids eat that stuff. I was so confused -

But now the more pressing question is... what is your favorite way of saying Sandwich? Do you say it as spelled? Traditional? Or do you find you're more often saying it as Sammy? Or Sam-witch? Or Sangwich? I like SANGwich! It's fun to say!! SAAAAANGWICH!!!!

Now I'm hungry. Why don't was spell the word Bologna like this : Boloney? since that's how we say it? So may questions.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Day After Turkey

I have worked many odd hours and many jacked up schedules in my life. I rarely get a shift that is a day time shift - or weekend days off ... that would be a blessing - but I am thankful I have a job and like what I do. Hard times come when (and other shift workers will get this!) when it's holiday or birthday time... or time for that big event everyone has been planning for... and you will either get to; A) make a cameo appearance before heading to work. B) Stop by after work if it's not too late. or C) try to make it next year.

This year was hard - I'm working 5 8 hour days (which is rare I usually have had 4 ten hour days each week or 3 12-hour shifts each week) so it's a blessing and a curse - My days off are Sunday and Monday - so THIS week while Americans were blessed all over the place for a "short work week" and thankful for Wednesday to be the last day they would have o go in to work this week... I was thinking.. DANG IT It's only my 2nd day this week -I still am not even half way.. DARN IT!

However - I reminded myself... if I didn't have wonderful people in my life - My friend and family - who I will miss time with, it wouldn't matter anyway... so I'll be thankful I actually am surrounded by people who would miss me and who I would miss.

YET My friends and family worked it for me this year!!!! I got to go to my friend Frank's house hours before work - eat with friends - My mom and sister stopped by... and I still had time for a small piece of Pie before work!

The day went by fast and it was rather slow... Being a 911 dispatch center we get kind of used to dramatic things coming in. Annually we draw a turkey on our white board and for each turkey fire we have a tail feather gets colored in... this year was a "one-feather" year... boring in the dispatch center but I think a "one feather year" is something to be thankful for if you're the general public! It means out of all the thousands and thousands of homes - only ONE caught on fire from frying - baking cooking or what have you.. .to a turkey!

It's now the day after turkey day and it's still turkey comatose in the dispatch center - few drunk holiday party's here and there but good thing about this holiday -0 we're all thankful for things we normally overlook and it sedates the crime - turkey induced peace!

I'm thankful for so much and I hope you are too! No matter which country you are from!
Have a great day!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I can't twitter?

I try to twitter but some people say they don't get it. I "get it" ... it's a chance to start conversation using limited amounts of characters. Just like I do on Facebook

Unlike Facebook though I don't have all the other freaky games or comments or pictures to go along with it unless I link to another website.

The reason I think about this is I find myself evaluating my day to day actions and mentally contemplating if what I JUST DID is mentionable... and then... if it is... is it MENTIONABLE ENOUGH to replace my last status update!? I do it on Facebook and I've done hundreds on Twitter too but I find keeping up with BOTH rather a drag!

Am I supposed to duplicate the SAME status for both? (I've done this many times by simply "copy and paste"-ing the info before accepting it) but then I feel a little less genuine about - like, "Well it's already been printed on this site so am I fraudulent if I re post it on THIS site?"

But if I were to update my status I'd say I just performed on command for a coworker who held her video phone up to my face and I wonder if she'll put it on YouTube." I DID this! I sang Olivia Newton John on command.

But I like my two active statuses that have been getting non stop comments today so I'm using my blog now to mention other mentionables for my day. Hmmmmm.


:::now heading to facebook to comment about blogging about twitter:::