Thursday, November 6, 2008

heard this from a friend...

this is a blog my friend bill posted at his blog ( This Is My House )

saw this on Gizmodo, there is an iPhone app called Magic Tap, a 99-cent iPhone application, lets you send fake calls to yourself on command, just in case you ever need an excuse to get out of an awkward situation such as a horrible blind date, or to avoid having "that talk" with whoever. To make this application more realistic, it lets you customize the caller's name, number and photo I.D. to anyone you choose. This is to funny


So a friend of mine was in town this last weekend. He's a sweet guy! He's a HUGE Miami dolphins fan... so he had time off and decided to drive overnight and stay for the game here in Denver before returning home to Oklahoma City.

We weren't sure when he'd get to town but he made it in early Sunday morning. Mike and I went to have breakfast with him very early when we woke up. It went well. I think maybe it was kind of odd since the friend is my ex. He and I dated for a short period of time a number of years ago. Since then we've both gotten partners who we love and adore so it's OK but still ... Mike is a trooper for going out and meeting the "ex"!

Conversation flowed and our food and laughter along with it. I was still half asleep though so I was not as chatty as I can be sometimes. Mike and i had plans for the day to meet and be with our friends who live here in town so it worked nicely to meet with him before that all started.

But being as tired as I was... they talked me into this ....

I think we have the same nose!

911 caller

OK being a dispatcher for police and the fire departments and ambulance crews for many cities and agencies I hear do and see many off the wall things. It's ever changing and exciting. Always something new. There have been many different things that are odd or out of the norm on a 911 line.

Today though... i was asked this....
"I need to know what color the urine tests are today please!?"

Uh What the hell are you talking about (Which means I said "Excuse me please?")

"I need to know what color the urine tests are today please?"

I repeated it back as I heard it ... "I'm sorry you need to know what color the URINE tests are?"

She said yes.

I paused and asked if she needed police or an ambulance..... she said she thinks she might have dialed wrong....

I'm thinking the closest thing to dialing 9 - 1 - 1 - on your phone MIGHT be 4 - 1 - 1 - which is information.... do you think THEY know the color of the urine tests today? Hmmm I should call.

Only the Fat Kid....

My back pack is like a purse. I use it for work but mainly it has my monthly scheduler - my pens and coins and pretty much anything I'd need. It gives me a place to keep my work badge - and dental floss.

A few minutes ago my masculine camouflaged man bag with hunter orange trim - was sitting next to me and I needed to find my chap stick. It's in the bottom of my bag. I'm sure of it, but rather than unload the whole thing I began to do the finger sweep blindly rubbing my hand at the bottom of the bag trying to locate by touch the chap stick.

As my fingers came across items I did a mental evaluation of the feel of the item to be able to have a check list of things in the bottom of my bag.

"Coins ..... dental floss..... camera.... that's it there we ... go oh no that's a battery ...... pencil..... heal cream..... band aid ..... dental floss again...... battery ...... chap oh other battery........ oph here we go .... wait? ::::feel ... manipulate in fingers ... feel:::::::: wtf is that? ..... :::grab and slowly remove::::::;

I had a piece of dried up mushroom Pizza from a week in my bag. I couldn't tell why I had it then I thought back and I think I had lunch in the bag last week and maybe the pizza was wrapped in saran plastic wrap and this piece fell out? Only a fat kid could find dried up food full sized in his man purse and not be sure how long it's been in there.

But anyway .... now I'm not worried about what to do for lunch! Thank goodness!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Voter! And the states only non-mail in /early voter!

I went to vote yesterday and I strategically placed my vote time in between the morning rush and the lunch rush! It worked - although the lot of the church I went to was full I found the people inside were mainly volunteers or whatever working the poll place. (that sounds dirty! Working the poll place haha!)

Moving on...

As I entered the rec room for this building following the arrows on the wall to show me the way I saw a table. The table was full of people working on one side and empty of people being helped on the outer ring. I met eyes with an older woman who was placed first at the table. She smiled so I felt obligated to go to her for the first step.

This was a calm looking older white haired little lady seated gently behind her posted spot at the table. Normally ladies of her stature and age shy away from chatting with me and I assume it's my size and sometimes my hair but mostly because I'm pierced and tattooed!? Maybe I'm wrong. This time I was!

As I was handed the small card to fill out I passed over my ID to the woman with a smile trying to put her at ease. No need I found! She started out by showing me where to put my name and address - then she began her life story.

"I have 21 grandchildren and the 19th one is a boy and he plays baseball. He had a game the other day and he and some of the other players showed up to a game with blue hair. The Coach of his team was red with fury over it! But you know what? My daughter sure let him have it! Yes she did! She told him that her son gets straight 'A's and is on the honor roll and shows up to every practice! She then told that coach to keep his head in the game and out of her sons hairstyle. "

I replied how cool I thought that was and I questioningly motioned as to where I should put my signature using the pen she'd handed me.

She went on "Yes honey you sign right there but only because I'm sitting here to witness it. (And without taking a breath) I have to tell you also that all of my grand daughters have tattoos! Well not Amy... or Georgia! They're too young. Oh well and Georgia is technically my great-grand-daughter but she's still a grand child you know!?"

Yes I know! It's still family isn't it!? Well that's cool!

Here is where she noticed I was inching in the direction of the next set of signs with arrows on them to the next check in point. "Oh hey yes dear you go on around to right there (as she pointed) and they'll help you out! Thank you for voting because YOUR vote counts too!"

I thanked her also and went on my way into the next step and then next I voted! (Wahoo I voted!)

When I'd finished casting my vote and I headed to the last table set up to collect the cards we'd used to vote and collect my "I Voted" sticker to show proudly on my shirt.... I was thanks by the person tending to that station and then I headed out. (Mind you this little lady got a bit nervous as I walked up and she couldn't quite get her sentence out but her intentions of gratitude were clear enough!)

As I completed the circle that'd been set up for a smooth voting process I walked down the hall and passed that firs little lady who'd shared her family tree with me and also her open minded thoughts of crazy kids like myself. She shouted out to me! "Thank you for coming in and have a great day!"

I replied yelling back into that room... "You're welcome thank you too for being here and hey... tell those grand kids hello for me!"

"I WILL!" she beamed back!

What I'm wondering is how she'd go about doing that!? Maybe she'd start a phone tree letting them know!

"Hey Georgia is your sister home? ... I had a punky voter who wanted to say hello to you kids....

I love it! Have a great day! HUGS! J