Thursday, December 24, 2009

Workin It On Holiday Eve!

I'm at work right now and it's calm... scary calm. I KNOW people will start heading out into the world for their holiday gatherings... maybe sliding into some accidents or drinking a bit too much spiked eggnog and starting some brawls... but for now... all is calm.

This morning I had a nice morning... woke up at my own pace... cuddled with my handsome man... and then got ready for the day! My daughter woke up a bit after the in-laws arrived... she slowly came down to join in on the relaxing morning activities of Baking and waking up.

Mike and his mother were baking a traditional Scandinavian Holiday Bread together - Mike's Dad Skip was outside shoveling snow for us... (I would have LOVED to help but we only have the one snow shovel) ... he said that being from Seattle... it was fun and something different! So I wouldn't want to ruin that for him! Don't want to take away from his enjoyment ya know!?

The house began to smell of delicious baked yumminess as the risen bread, covered and rolled up, was warming in the oven. The light peeking through the window was twinkling off of the various Christmas Tree Ornaments... I enjoyed a cup of coffee and Mike's Dad came in and relaxed on the couch... using his cell phone to make the annual Christmas Well-wishing contacts with friends from years past.

My daughter Shayla watched the baking and asked questions when she wanted pointers for what they were doing... we all exchanged stories from our respective holiday baking experiences or from recent and old holiday gatherings or traditions from peoples families.

We even had time to make ourselves some sandwiches with chips and use the time to go over the planned events coming up over the next few days.

My morning was amazing and relaxing... I even napped for an hour, got ready, then came in to work... Kissing my daughter on the forehead before I walked out the door... and I'm glad for Mike's help! He helped me carry boxes full of gift bags for my co-workers!

Now... I wish YOU a happy Holiday ... or Happy non Holiday for those who don't celebrate them... but mainly I send out happiness and warm feelings of contentment. Thank you for sharing parts of the last year with me! And best wishes for the next year...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Can you read?

So Mike got done with class early today and we got to have a quickie lunch and we ate at Arby’s too! LOL it was so nice to get to run around with him before work for a few! LOL

So they have this sign that shows 5 roast beef regulars for five bucks!!! I was like OH YES!!!! So yummy then left overs and cheapo!

I go to order and the 60 year old man working behind the counter points to the sign and says … “Do you see across the top there where it says “Saturdays and Sundays Only”

I looked up my heart broken and my intelligence being damaged and I ALMOST responded like this…

“Um listen old man working at Arby’s… NO I didn’t or I wouldn’t have ordered it would I being that today is FRIDAY!?”

But instead I felt dumb and I said… Oh no I’m sorry – then I got nervous and ordered whatever he suggested even though I knew it was chalk-full of onions… Mike helped me make it work because we swapped pieces of bread he took the side with onions and I took the “non onion” side of bread –

But the curly fries were good with horsey sauce! LOL

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blog this Blog from a Blog

I am using my blog to blog about the blog I found by reading a blog! The story isn't that exciting but the end results are! You like Jell-o Shots?

Well - thanks for "A$$holeBoyfriend" I found this Blog about Jello Shots and the many versions he's tried - some of these are amazing and fun! And could be added to or changed up! Who'd have thunk? Check out Gelology! (Not GEOlogy! GELology!)

Have fun!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

it's Official!

ok it's official Bologna and Cheese sandwiches are great with a slight spread of Baconnaise! YUM!

here's a pic for Damon!

Play it again Sammy!

Todays topic: The Sandwich -- Definition... A sandwich is a food item consisting of two or more slices of bread with one or more fillings between them, or one slice of bread with a topping or toppings on top of the bread could be considered an "open-faced"

Mike made my lunch today! He asked if I'd like a sandwich. I of course would LOVE one! (I was very busy decorating the Christmas tree and Knitting!!)

He asked if I wanted: Turkey, Roast beef or Bologna? - I chose Bologna - then he asked if I wanted American Cheese or Provolone... I thought about it and chose American.. if you're doing bologna you should make it as trashy as you can.

Growing up I thought eating bologna was no big deal and in fact my mother made something called Bologna-spread for my dad too when I was younger. It was like a tuna salad concept but had bologna as the meat substance. then spread with cheese on open faced pieces of bread. Usually a weekend lunch item eaten during breaks from his yard work.

As I grew friends of mine were the cute little girls on carts at the golf course selling refreshments - Burritos and sandwiches and drinks - but they told me they felt so shy to tell the guys they even had bologna sandwiches as a choice for them. ??? I Don't know why? I told them I love me some bologna (Do they have bologna in every country? or is this a USA thing?) and they laughed at me for being an adult and eating a "child's sandwich"

They said that only kids eat that stuff. I was so confused -

But now the more pressing question is... what is your favorite way of saying Sandwich? Do you say it as spelled? Traditional? Or do you find you're more often saying it as Sammy? Or Sam-witch? Or Sangwich? I like SANGwich! It's fun to say!! SAAAAANGWICH!!!!

Now I'm hungry. Why don't was spell the word Bologna like this : Boloney? since that's how we say it? So may questions.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Day After Turkey

I have worked many odd hours and many jacked up schedules in my life. I rarely get a shift that is a day time shift - or weekend days off ... that would be a blessing - but I am thankful I have a job and like what I do. Hard times come when (and other shift workers will get this!) when it's holiday or birthday time... or time for that big event everyone has been planning for... and you will either get to; A) make a cameo appearance before heading to work. B) Stop by after work if it's not too late. or C) try to make it next year.

This year was hard - I'm working 5 8 hour days (which is rare I usually have had 4 ten hour days each week or 3 12-hour shifts each week) so it's a blessing and a curse - My days off are Sunday and Monday - so THIS week while Americans were blessed all over the place for a "short work week" and thankful for Wednesday to be the last day they would have o go in to work this week... I was thinking.. DANG IT It's only my 2nd day this week -I still am not even half way.. DARN IT!

However - I reminded myself... if I didn't have wonderful people in my life - My friend and family - who I will miss time with, it wouldn't matter anyway... so I'll be thankful I actually am surrounded by people who would miss me and who I would miss.

YET My friends and family worked it for me this year!!!! I got to go to my friend Frank's house hours before work - eat with friends - My mom and sister stopped by... and I still had time for a small piece of Pie before work!

The day went by fast and it was rather slow... Being a 911 dispatch center we get kind of used to dramatic things coming in. Annually we draw a turkey on our white board and for each turkey fire we have a tail feather gets colored in... this year was a "one-feather" year... boring in the dispatch center but I think a "one feather year" is something to be thankful for if you're the general public! It means out of all the thousands and thousands of homes - only ONE caught on fire from frying - baking cooking or what have you.. .to a turkey!

It's now the day after turkey day and it's still turkey comatose in the dispatch center - few drunk holiday party's here and there but good thing about this holiday -0 we're all thankful for things we normally overlook and it sedates the crime - turkey induced peace!

I'm thankful for so much and I hope you are too! No matter which country you are from!
Have a great day!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I can't twitter?

I try to twitter but some people say they don't get it. I "get it" ... it's a chance to start conversation using limited amounts of characters. Just like I do on Facebook

Unlike Facebook though I don't have all the other freaky games or comments or pictures to go along with it unless I link to another website.

The reason I think about this is I find myself evaluating my day to day actions and mentally contemplating if what I JUST DID is mentionable... and then... if it is... is it MENTIONABLE ENOUGH to replace my last status update!? I do it on Facebook and I've done hundreds on Twitter too but I find keeping up with BOTH rather a drag!

Am I supposed to duplicate the SAME status for both? (I've done this many times by simply "copy and paste"-ing the info before accepting it) but then I feel a little less genuine about - like, "Well it's already been printed on this site so am I fraudulent if I re post it on THIS site?"

But if I were to update my status I'd say I just performed on command for a coworker who held her video phone up to my face and I wonder if she'll put it on YouTube." I DID this! I sang Olivia Newton John on command.

But I like my two active statuses that have been getting non stop comments today so I'm using my blog now to mention other mentionables for my day. Hmmmmm.


:::now heading to facebook to comment about blogging about twitter:::

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Too Big to Enjoy the Vue!

DUDE... today was a great day for my family. We spent the morning with my Mom car shopping. She loves my cute nerdy Saturn Vue - it has space to lug stuff - it has nice clearance for when the snow falls here - and it's way nicer than her old VW Jetta which has been a bad omen since the day she and my Dad got it 11 years ago! HELL I tell you!

Anyway... my partner Mike rode in the car with my Mom making sure they didn't hear or see anything or feel any sort of things that my sister Mandi and I might have missed if we took the test drive with her! .... (we'd be blinded by the idea that this car is nicer than hers and tell her to just get it!)

When they got back from the test drive my mom mentioned it had the ability in the drivers seat to raise and/or lower!!!! Well, of course I KNEW THAT!!!!! Yes yes I did! And truly.. I DID know that...

What I didn't realize was that over the last 3 years I've had my car, I would sometimes reach down to my left and pull the lever to lean my seat forward or backward... it's a four door so this usually only occurred when someone else drove the vehicle.

Sometimes it seemed broken. It wouldn't work. Well that's because I had been raisin my seat without knowing it and slowly over the years I'd set it to the very highest setting and THIS Explains a lot.

See, I'd been thinking my weight gain from quitting smoking and from over eating and lack of exercise had all of a sudden started to cause me to be too big for my car. It was hard to get in and out of the car... I had to literally bend my head down sideways to be able to see when the traffic lights change.

Thing is... I've always been a big kid. ALWAYS! People thought my mother had a baby who was slightly retarded because when I was 4 months old I wore clothes that were size 18 months! SO I looked like a year and a half old child who should be walking and rambling but since I was only 3 or 4 months old in reality I was a HUGE Lump of chubby baby! I just layed there in her undersuzed motherly arms and I stared at people. I smiled a lot though!

I was so fat as a baby that I never crawled! I had to roll from place to place! HAHA! I couldn't bend my legs to crawl!

I have ALSO been "too fat" to ride rides too at amusement parks! ... well... I should say too large. When they lower the "over the head" safety bar for me on a ride... it doesn't always even touch my belly... it can't be pressed down over my shoulders enough to latch (And lemme say when it is, it hurts!)

But I'll take the pain to avoid the embarrassment of being told to get off the ride because I was too big! I thought this was going to happen in my own car!!! MY OWN CAR!!!!! I'm all of a sudden too large for my vehicle!

I was trying to figure out who would be the "ride operator" for my car!? Like who would walk over to me in the Mall Parking lot one day with a "height measuring stick" in a striped colorful "ride operator uniform" and break the news to me that I was too large to ride in my very own car.

Thankfully it didn't happen! Wahooooooo - So today when I'd said goodbye to my family and we went our separate ways... I pumped down my driver seat and it lowered SO MUCH that I almost feel too low! Like I was "Low Ridin" in my hot new Saturn Vue!

This also means I'm NOT Alice in wonderland who bit off the wrong side of the candy and outgrew my car...

Sometimes Old knowledge helps on new situations! Life is good! ... Relax Sit back and Enjoy the Vue

(Here's Moms New Car, It's Black)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Furry Gay Guys Do Dallas!

I am so excited to say ........ I Got My Script for the Scene we'll be doing in our series of Videos!!!! No Not Porn ...Calm down Mom! Sheesh!

No we're acting out scenes from the show from the 1980's ... Dallas!

Re-enacted by a burly collection of furry gay "bears" from Denver ... can't wait... It's just in pre-production at this time but seeing the script for my first scene where I play PAM - a character normally acted by Victoria Principal... in my GMail inbox makes my "junk" tingle! Can't wait!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

911 Conversation

Call Taker (Me): "911 what is your emergency?"

Caller (them): "I don't want 911 but my phone is shut off can you pay my phone bill for me?"

Me: I'm sorry this is 911. I can't pay your phone bill you'll have to use a phone that works to contact your phone company.

Caller: I am going to be late to work and I need to let them know can you just call my phone company for me and pay my bill?

Me: Um, no I can't if you'd like I can transfer your call to a work number if you like but otherwise you... (Interrupted)

Caller: (Upset now) NO! I don't need you calling my work for me or trying any fancy footwork! Just PAY MY BILL so my phone works it won't let me do it myself!!"

Me: Sir this is 911 ... your phone bill is NOT an emergency. If there is no other emergency I can send a police officer to your house and he can tell you how to use a land line.

Caller: Screw You!

Me: No thank you sir is there anything else I can help you with tonight that pertains to the proper uses of calling 911?


Sad thing is.. he called back - spoke to 2 other people some multiple times trying to get us to pay his phone bill? Am I jaded? Is this not ridiculous to most people?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hoodie Whoooooooooooo!

JD Hoodie the traveling Hoodie has finally made it to his next destination! Palm Bay Florida! He's visiting with a cute couple of bears down there... Chaz and Bill and meeting many new friends... having PLENTY To drink to help him relax from such a long commute from Melbourne Australia where he visited Kez the Mutton Chopped Mutant.

Let's see some pictures and enjoy!

this picture is behind the bar "helping out"

Here we have Hoodie getting a bit of excitement revved up with the crowd on the Mic!

um... Pole Dancing which lead to.....

Making New Friends!? Buddy's? Pals? .... having fun.

Laying out in the sun - relaxing off the night before.... Having a drink... that orange thing is a water gun full of suntanning lotion.. that's how we do it here!

now THIS we didn't think about... Hoodie Porn! YIKES! Better give this guy some privacy!

Hoodie Times! More to come in the Adventures of "JD Hoodie the Traveling Hoodie!"

See these pictures & more from: past present & future of JD Hoodie's travels around the globe @

Friday, September 18, 2009

In Honor Of Bacon Everywhere....

I still have yet to try the new Baconnaise... I NEED to try it! Anyone seen any lately they'd like to share?

I've blogged about Baconnaise before and it's a Bacon Flavored Mayo that is less sodium and less fat content than regular Mayonnaise. If you use it on a BLT (Bacon Lettuce and Tomato) Sandwich it'll be less a LOT of things but I've been told (By Oprah and friends) NOT Less on FLAVOR!!!!!!!! YUMMMMMM!

Ok so I have a wallet that looks like it's made with raw strips of Bacon... People KNOW I love the keeps me in shape! (Round IS a shape so shut up!)

Anyway... My Boss Jackie was shopping at her local convenience store and saw a bag of these...

She HAD to get them and now I've been munching on them all week! YES Bacon Flavored Sunflower Seeds! Delish! They taste super salty but in a brief comparison their sodium content is somewhat less than that of regular flavored Sunflower seeds! And it's made by the same company who developed Baconnaise and Bacon Salt (Which is a cool little start up company that began out of these guys' garage in Seattle Washington {Info again from my friend Oprah})

I dedicate this Blog to my friend Meghan who along with me has worshipped the likes of Bacon and Bacon products (And Billy Mayes may he R.I.P!)
Bacon Dress Looks (And Smells) Like Bacon

Thursday, July 30, 2009

No, Seriously... Make it gay!

So I've mentioned in earlier blogs that my partner Mike and I are in search of a "Gay-related" gift for the little girl who is coming home to our friends (Her new adoptive parents)! Well the date is getting closer and I've had my head FULL of possible ideas.. something as random as getting her dolls from "Rainbow Brite" or "Care Bears" line of toys. I am going to be sewing some clothing items for her too and thought I'd use a rainbow style pattern as well to add some "flare". HAHA

Then I met with the soon-to-be-parents (and friends of ours) the other night and we discussed some books I'd heard about but not read for children about being "different" than the rest. Similar to how smaller kids who may later identify as gay would appear out in the world today. Teaching acceptance and tolerance... teaching care and love for all.

I couldn't find them but Facebook came through - Found the title of a duck involved book thanks in HUGS part to the help of Kez in Australia... (The Mutton Chopped Mutant!) And it's called "The Sissy Duckling" by Harvey Fierstein!!! ... another friend of mine known as D helped, he located a book telling a tale of same sex love between real life Penguins who live at the Central Park Zoo in NYC. The title for this book: "And Tango Makes Three" - looks so good - Well when I am at work I wanted to order these books but don't have access on the computer... so I asked my supervisor to do it for me! HAHAHA! She did! then as a suggestion through Amazon since I ordered BOTH books for the party... it offered yet a THIRD book called "A Different Dragon" I'm so psyched - I had them rush delivered to ensure they're here on time... I may also have to give one to another special little girl who's birthday is coming up. Sharing the big gay wealth in literature!

In addition to these wonderful and glamorous books... (Which I'm being told there are even MORE! See: "The Boy Who Cried FABULOUS!") We thought up some cool ideas and we also decided to get two KEN Dolls from the barbie line of dolls! One in a Tuxedo with Black hair (We wanted to get two in a tux but they only marry off the black haired Kens I guess and didn't want to introduce sibling relationships or anything odd with twins you know!? ) We decided the other doll would be a "Surfer Ken Doll" with blond hair, some shorts, a t shirt and surf board - then we got an outfit as an alternative but it's like a Sweater vest with a red shirt underneath - and some khaki shorts - like he's going to play tennis. So they can mix and match with one another outfits...

Well Here's the kicker... Mike and I went to a store that's KNOWN to be busy and when we do... we usually go all the way behind the store to avoid the front of the store foot and car traffic... (trying to find parking and not hit people is so troublesome some times ya know!? ) and we park on the very back side of the building - it's got like ten parking spots and is used mainly for automotive needs. BUT It has it's own side/back entrance... and it has it's own registers which are seldom used and almost never have a line!!!

BUT picture this.. Jerrod & Mike at the register that is being manned by a checkout guy/mechanic who's covered in auto grease head to toe & he's missing some teeth... in our shopping basket... a bottle of carpet cleaner, 2 ken dolls and one Ken sized change of "gay mens tennis sweater vest outfit" to buy ...

"Who? Us? Gay? NOOOOOO!?!!!!!!!"

Needless to say we kind of hurried on our merry little way after the transaction was done! But we gt the dolls! Wahooooooo! And the books are ordered

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What the Deuce?

Denver's channel 2 Has had many changes in the last 20 years or so... used to be Just channel 2... or known as Denver's Channel 2. Nothing fancy... then they became Channel 2 the "WB"!

Well THEN they became the CW... obviously some buying and selling and name changing of sorts took place somewhere....

yeah... get this... they are now.....

THE DEUCE!? and I'm thinking SERIOUSLY? I say that when I want to be crude and let people know I took ... may take or need to drop a Deuce!? Am I the only one?

Their Website even.,.. is Help us! Oh and they're still currently the CW network too so "throw that in your drink and stir it!"

6th picture!! Maybe NSFW?

I got a text then thought it'd be fun to send the same text out and then post what I got back... Mind you I'm eager to share due to the amount of crazy oddball pictures I got...

(The text said: Send me the 6th picture in ur Phone! No cheating! Send the 6th picture and I will blog it unless it's of a person you don't want blogged!)

Here are some of the random I got! Enjoy -

Below is #6 for a friend who was price comparing for a door she wants!

Below is a #6 for a friend that needed to recall what is outside his window for family who was compaining weather was too cold...

Below is from a supervisor of mine... This IS her #6 it's a bear... I think it's stuffed and no longer with us and might be on exhibit at the great outdoors store in town!? (Her #7 was a hot pic of her husband doing something embarressing and I think she wished that was her #6 because she sent it too but refused to let me post it! HAHA!)

Scroll down to find a Potatoe Bar sent from a friend who is also a chef and part time caterer!
Fitting for that friend for sure!

Then below we have a person drawing a picture - pretty cool picture in multiple ways actually!

Below is an awesome picture it's a HUGE bird Cage (aviary) in a garden filled sun room or a sun filled garden room at a friends house! So beautiful in person too!

Below is a #6 from a friend of mine who saw this sign while out... it's translated below too!
"Beware of Pickpockets and Loose Women"

Below, I was around for this #6 picture! It is the leftovers of a 7 lb burrito! If eaten completely without vomiting by a man you get the $12 burrito free & a picture with the owner and your empty plate on the wall!
If you're a girl who finishes all 7 lbs... you get the same.. BUT You eat for free! This one was Mike's left over food after he ate all he could that night... our friend Stacey finished hers in under 2 hours! She eats free for life!!! she's the 7th girl or so to do it!

the next two go together... it says not to cheat so the next one is my friends actual #6... it's a septic system.. she does landscaping and stuff so you never know!

But she thought it was lame! (She's not the only one many people I couldn't include thought their #6 was lame but I only didn't include them if they have people's faces who didn't give permission or their kiddos or something!) So she then sent this one... the fact she could TAKE this one is impressive to me! She fed him and let him go! Cute little garbage thieving raccoon!
But the next #6 pic below is from a friend who ALSO said his was LAME... Seriously? I think it's perfectly random and exactly what this text message/blog game is about!

Below is a cute doggy who a friend of mine had as their #6....
Here's what Happened when a different cute dog got ahold of someone's glasses! Now THIS is a fashion statement! AND a #6 to be sent for sure!!!

Now here is the first of two snakes.... SO snake phobics scroll past... but this is a #6 for a friend of mine here at work...

Warning: Below snake #2 is GROSS! lol But it was someones #6!

Below thank goodness for this next picture because gay straight or otherwise it's better than the last one! But at the same time... thank goodness for nasty hilarious pictures...

YUM! Have fun! Play along!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Make it Gay!!!!!!!!!

I have these friends who’re adopting a child. The little girl is not newborn. In fact she’s a few years old and living in an orphanage in Belize. But she’s coming home soon. The little girl has a Brittle Bone condition called Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) . This bone condition is the same condition that my friends who are adopting her have.

They could break a bone from sneezing.. their build is small in stature and most people if not all with this condition don’t walk and have grown up having surgery after surgery for preventative and repairative issues in their aging processes.

Since we were younger Lisa (the soon to be mother) has wanted a child. We’ve discussed how the growth of a newborn in her body might not be possible and if it DID happen it might hurt them both physically to carry the pregnancy out.


So Lisa has been married to her childhood friend Chris… Chris also has the bones frailty that Lisa has… as do many of our other friends that we’ve made through the years… you find someone who is like you and you tend to gravitate towards them.

SO… my story is this. Their new daughter comes home soon and we’ve been invited to the welcome home party for her!!! Well their new daughter may be a few years old but is of course of the tiny stature that Lisa and Chris both are. She has a very nice electric wheel chair too I’ve been told. So you have to take into consideration some of these things.

Also you have to find out what her room “theme” is and what she likes… you have to find out her size in clothes… and THIS is why I called Lisa from the store we were in while shopping for Anisee (A niece E).

Lisa informs me that her new daughter wears a size 3T or 4. That’s perfect now I know. She also likes Frogs and Pigs and the color pink. And I know Lisa has the love of food and cooking and runs a part time catering company for smaller events or personal in home meals.

SO… Mike and I were shopping… finding CUTE but overpriced clothes and awesome cooking sets and even doll houses made to keep recycling and living “green” in mind made of all recycled and natural materials. It was actually very cool but rather pricey… the wall art was awesome but then again I haven’t seen the room yet so what if I get her something then she feels obligated to hang but it doesn’t match the scheme!? Then what? HAHA!

I called Lisa and asked her what size she is and how you spell her name and she gave me the rundown of the 4 or 5 names they have for her and they gave her size but then she asked me this…. Oh hey I want you and Mike to get her something that somehow has something to do with being gay!

OK This is awesome! I have actually had many a friend or family member in the past tell me to tone it down.. or to maybe keep things on the down low while around their friends. And I’ve been invited to MANY wedding showers and baby showers and been the only male because of who I am. But this is the first time they’ve actually requested that me AND my partner bring something specifically gay for their child! I love it! Awwww! They are going to make the best parents!

(I hope they don’t read my blog!) So we saw some cute kitchen stuff and it started a theme… Mike and I bought her a Kids cooking with the parents cook book. And I fell in love with some cute sun dresses and some awesome small designer kitchen aprons for children… but rather than pay the money they’re asking… I’m going to get help from my mother and we’ll MAKE them for her. So we’ll find her a cute pattern for a sundress and then make one up for a cool kitchen apron … maybe flower with her Initials on it?! But the cook book looks super cool and then Mom can share her love of cooking with her new daughter in a kitchen that’s been created with lowered counter tops and special ovens and stove tops… smaller accessible side by side refrigerators with slide out shelves… cabinets with lowered accessibility! It should be perfect… now if I can only sew it… hmmmm! Hahah! I figured I would make a rainbow one and maybe throw in a rainbow brite doll or care bears.. something pride like. But I will keep adding to it if I can! Hahaah I’m so excited to see another dream come true for so many people all at once!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

ummmmm? Is this normal?

So Check it out - I have 8 tattoos some large some small but most pretty visible.

I have a tattoo of my daughters footprint the day she was born - I have my dad's zodiac symbol on my forearm in memory of him. I have Fred Flintstone with his daughter pebbles on his shoulders representing me and my daughter.

I have more... But one I have had for almost 3 years now is from Rainbow Brite. It's a fuzzy looking little green guy and he's on my lower inner leg.

Well He's sick. Mind you this is the only tattoo that I've ever had to give me problems while healing. Certain sections of the tattoo seemed to stay reddish in color around the outside of where color SHOULD be.

NOW though in the last couple months the sections of my little tattoo that are supposed to be red... are swollen (It looked like I had his nose and feet puffed up with little implants!) Only the red pigment of my tattoo has this problem.

NOW - it's blistering open and gross and pissed... wanna see? LOL It's gross....

Told you! Anyway - I'm off to see the doctor tomorrow if I can get an appointment and stay awake - I work until 5 am and they don't open to make an appointment until 7 am - and then it wouldn't be until 8 am at the very earliest.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't be Flaky!

SO this last weekend was Gay Pride here in Denver! We had all sorts of booths for food and gay friendly services like dog sitters and stuff set up all over down town Denver's Civic Center Park.

IT WAS HOT! I spent much time outside walking around and the nights with little to no sleep so I could hang out with friends and family. Good times.

Well by the end of Sunday's Parade and Pride fest times... my face was burnt. YES I applied some sunscreen and rubbed it in but my face and forehead SWEAT like a thin plastic soda filled cup on a warm day. WET! So usually I get some sun on my cheeks and forehead... now that my hair is buzzed it's my whole scalp too.

This leads me to today and my handy dandy lesbian Roberta. I call her Bertie. (Like the character played by Sandra Bullock on Hope Floats!)

So I work with her but we are also friends outside of the workplace. Anyway, I'm at work and as each person came up to talk to me today I would have to intercept their shocked faces with a quick acknowledgement that "YES I know I'm peeling on my face" and "Yes I DID use sunscreen but I sweat it off!" we'd laugh and then move on.

I've applied Lida cane and sunburn stuff and lotion to help but this happens sometimes.. I burn I peel and then it turns to suntan.

SO As I'm sitting here clearing criminal records for different police officers I'm seeing out of the corner of my eyes that small bits of skin is hanging off my face or floating from my forehead onto the paper I'm writing on!

So it leads me to picking it off... sometimes large ish pieces of thin dead skin come right off and I throw it away.. but it's slow going and gross. I decided to use the roll of tape sitting next to me.. but it's scotch tape and light in it's pull of dead skin cells from my peeling forehead.

The Lesbian Bertie sees me using a rolled inside out piece of tape on my forehead and I ask her if she has any Duct tape... thinking it'd be stronger and more effective. It was a joke.. she is a lesbian after all and used to work at Home depot so then I thought maybe it would be an effective little jab producing some duct tape. Alas I was wrong...

BUT... she DID have black thick electrical tape from when she was fixing her cars tire for something. She's so handy! I groped for the roll of black thick sticky love and I cute a strip off. I then put it on my forehead and she was "So grossed out" yet she says "But I wanna RIP it off!"

She did and the sticky underside after just one rip was covered in dead skin... it HURT like A bitch too!

"OUCH!" I said.. "Ew" she said then we did it again! LOL

Our boss was then watching us use and re use more of the tape and now I have less falling off my face.! Besides... I'm going back to Seattle Washington this weekend for the holiday and seeing Mike's family and friends... I can't peel off slabs of dead skin into their soup... it doesn't make for good visit memories you know!?


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One Book!!!!!!!!

I am a reader - Never thought I'd say that as I was growing up. But I wanted to let people know that I am almost down to one book!

Status Report on my current Reads:

- Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice -- I'm at the Climactic end I think... almost done and have been trying to read this for two years now off and on. (So almost done!)

- Marked - By Mother/Daughter team PC & Kristin Cast. - Just picked this up at work it was laying around - people read books then set them out... Been reading it for about a month? (So Almost done about 2 chapters left?)

- Insomnia - By Stephen King - This is my first Stephen King book ever! Friend from work was telling me I should read one and see - so she brought it in to me... it's HUGE - but good s0 far, about 200 pages in or so. (May take some time and might end up being my one book!!!)

I've also started a book my friend Dalton bought for me a few years ago on one of his trips home from NY! (Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrell) It's a book about an old society of Magicians and how they challenged a man who was reported to be magical and he said if he did this challenge and proved he could perform magic they would be banned from calling themselves "Magicians" since they only studied it - then he used powers to help in warfare in London... it's very "Sparkly" and little bits of fancy all over - but it's also HUGE and kind of slow going in some spots - though I'd say I am about 300 pages in or so I still am not gonna count this one because I haven't actively read any for almost 8 months now. It may be my next goal.

Someone asked me how I keep the stories straight... I usually do it without a problem. I explained reading multiple books to me is like when you watch different movies or even better as an example would be watching TV - each show is continued with the next chapter the next week... you wouldn't NOT watch another show for fear you would confuse Ugly Betty with this seasons Nip Tuck. You just enjoy what you can when you can!

OK I was glad to almost be down to one book so thought I'd share. thank you! Have a nice day!

Monday, June 29, 2009

No More Screaming and Yelling!

Say it isn't so!!!!!!

Billy Mays is dead? Seriously? NOOOOOOOO! Ok when Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon and Michael Jackson all died this week I was sad - I even cried earlier today when I heard a song played by MJ -- But NOT my BILLY!!!!!!!!

Man I don't mean this to be disrespectful I'm just commenting - I've blogged in the past about my crush on him - how Billy Mays had this hot smile thick beard and GORGEOUS Body that he used alongside his BOISTEROUSLY loud voice - He did TV selling of all sorts of products. The two most memorable would be OxyClean and Orange Glo. YUM -

But I wanted to try out some new products from the adult store with him and hear how loud he could yell my name! HAHA!

I am sad these people in our lives through celebrity have passed on.. I wish them ALL the best in the afterlife.

Thank you to them too for making our lives a little bit (If not a lot bit) more fun and entertaining and ... well... clean! (Except in my mind!)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

That's HOT!

I sleep day time hours - and work Night time hours right now! this will change off and on depending on my work shift.

I got home this morning around 530 am - and I cuddled and chatted with Mike until he headed off to work - He took my car in and I got my oil changed and car washed and somewhat detailed - inside windows washed - my license plate holder attached and tightened - and much more I'm sure - While this was all happening I was at home trying to sleep!

It's been awesome heat wise - this summer has supplied much rain for Colorado - more than normal. But even on hot days we have a swamp cooler that cools the house if we open the right windows

Except today!!! - Today it was hot and muggy (which in Colorado does NOT happen! It's always DRY as bone!) and I could NOT get it to cool down
the Swamp cooler was on high but it wasn't cold - I was groggy and sleepy and couldn't get back to sleep for the hot uncomfortable ness!

Found out later it was on VENT not COOL! DANG IT!

Anyway Gay Pride is this weekend in Denver - Friends from California are in town now - friends from all over town will be meting up - and some dancing is in order -y0u should be fun! You should meet up with us!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Masks at my place!

I think we should all take a moment to enjoy a good Masquerade Ball -

here are some pics for the ball we had at our house a couple weeks ago!

It was fun!


Ninja Hot!

Me and My little one!

(Hoody Note:)*********
Have a good day! Oh and keep your eyes peeled for the Sisterhood of the traveling hoody Updates - this John Deer Hoody of mine is about to go on an adventure!

Who knows ... along the way it may get a new zipper? or a patch added to it? I don't know - but it's gonna have fun and we're going to follow it!

First stop to be announced... but had been determined!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Move those things down will ya!?

I'm basically writing a quick blog to move the picture of Mike in his silver haired glory with those large Breasticles...DOWN on the page a bit! (my last blog) This way when I open my blog up at work you don't see him all smiles with his proud Boobage in view right away! LOL

SO - at work we always have to figure out odd hours or shifts to cover the place 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for 4 police agencies - and 8 fire departments along with extra ambulance agencies all being monitored for emergent dispatch at the drop of a hat... it's a pain in the butt!

I just voted or "Bid" for the shift I want out of what's left - the list gets chosen by each employee according to their "seniority" or time with the company. Some of these people have been here since I was being popped out of a "vag" into this fine world of ours. So it'll be some time before I'm ever at the top of any lists in this work place! HAHA!

I ended up with a "swing" shift - not days and not Graveyard shift - but from 3pm to 11 pm I'll be working! This is also the LONGEST time frame our Bid will cover - the new shifts begin in July and run all the way to mid January of 2010!!!! Can't believe we're half a year away from 2010!

I'm listening to the Ting Tings right now and they make me happy! (Side note!)

But back to my work schedule - I will not have off for any holidays this year... BUT I DO have off for my daughters 15th birthday so that's AWESOME!

For the first time in over ten years I will be working 5 days with 8 hour shifts each week - rather than 4 ten-hour days or 3 12-hour days~!

I will have off Sunday and Monday each week- which Means I will not be able to go out on Saturday nights - or Friday nights until 11pm if people are out I can try to meet up for a few.

But I'll have all day Sunday off and I'll have Snuggle time each night with Mike.

Anyone want to meet me for breakfast? I'll be off! Hmmmmm-

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cell Phone Costume Shop!

I sent this picture to Mike's dad... for fun... he told me to make sure he's eating his vegetables!

This gives me idea's

and THIS scares me.