Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hunting for Firehouses!? Be Vewy Vewy Qwiet!

For two weeks I'd been training a girl at work on one of the channels used to dispatch four of our fire agencies. Since each agency has multiple fire houses and multiple engines and trucks and such they use and they all have different locations of coverage. Anyway - we took a day trip to find each fire house location for the channel.
We started around noon and it took us until about 4:30 pm to see all the houses. Some had people in them - others must have been on calls. BUT it was cool. The houses we visited had time to give us tours and show us where they sleep and work out. We saw their training centers ... here are some pictures.

this one has an awesome location and it's already on a HUGE hill over parts of the county - but the tower give an even better view of their service area! It's amazing from up there I bet.

this is me "driving" one of the burn van's - used for practice on rescuing in vehicles!

But when we went to these places we didn't want to look like this... all cheery and stuff....

so we made ourselves blend by using gear from the army navy surplus store! what do you think?

OK OK I was scared.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stock Show!

At the stock show you see so many interesting and new things if you're not used to the live stock! It's animals everywhere - and well as the gay man I am... it is also a new sense of wonder when you see what others decide to do or wear while at the stock show... I have just a couple examples...
OK here for example... I asked these fine ladies if they would mind taking a picture with me... they were in their element and content to be part of my picture albums!

Then there were the hair styles... I found this one and how should I describe it... it's retro? It's southern... It's... well here I'll snap a picture.. Hey Stevie... would you mind acting like I'm taking your picture please... smile!

Oh dang it CARL! YOu so totally walked in front of the camera and my example of Stockshow hair! Darn it ok I'll try again.... Here we go keep smiling Stevie... harder this time!....

OH HECK! WTF? Seriously lady? You couldn't wait ONE more second! Dang! OK Let's try this one more time.. .Stevie please? ok ok thank you SMILE! ...

Mullet achieved! and yes this is a man! If you look closely his hair matches his blonde leather jacket - and his friends are secretly chatting in jealousy... "Brad ALWAYS gets the fans I wish my hair grew as fast as his does!"

Stock shows are fun! they have beef...

And this!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Gunther Toody's! It's a diner sort of place all dressed up in 50's style decor including the servers dressed in old fashioned attire and wearing red lipstick while snapping their gum at you and name tags with names like Gidget or Flo. Mike and I LOVE to eat there. They have Chicken Fried Chicken which is like chicken fried steak but ... chicken! LOL No bones... and covered in white gravy. Comes with shredded hash browns - which you can add stuff to like more white gravy or cheese or whatever.

Mike and I spend our time going back and forth between two different locations. This way the staff doesn't think we are there as often as we are.

One morning though as we were leaving and in the parking lot ... there was a stench of cooking onions... it was so "thick" and strong a smell I almost vomited. Since Mike likes or loves to eat onions he thought the smell was good and that my reaction... HILARIOUS! I don't like Onions in general ... most of the time!

This morning Mike and I make our trek to the diner and we get there later than normal to find we have a limited menu to choose from. It seems they have a transitional period where they don't serve EVERYTHING on the breakfast menu and they serve regular daytime or evening food like burgers and malted milkshakes.

So we found that our chicken was still an option so we were glad. Oh oh oh and our waitress... she happened to be this younger lady who seemed to be kind of goth. She always has on like dark knee high socks with like skulls or Nightmare Before Christmas or whatever so it gave her "50's" style outfit a bit of a darker twist and come to find out she was cool and sweet and quick witted. She had a comeback for stuff - she told Mike he was gross because Mike likes to put white gravy on his pancake and that's not something you see every day. It was so funny.

Well then our food arrives and there are some sort of "peasant potatoes" or shopped cubed part of potatoes and those are not my favorite in general but THEN ... they were doused in some red chili powder of sorts and covered in fried up onions and green peppers.... at first I thought this, "Oh wow this was an odd mistake I don't like ...." then my stomach cut in and I couldn't think or speak clearly... I almost projectile puked at the waitress. I couldn't complete a thought or a movement... this is what went through my head (If I can capture it)

"Hmmmm those stank... I mean they wreak! I'm gonna vomit. Breath with your mouth! Don't lose it" Scrape it off the toast! Nope! Toast is ruined and soaked in it! DANG! When did I select white bread for my toast? She didn't ask!? I'm gonna be sick! Oh gawsh... this is THAT smell from that morning when I was leaving the Gunther Toody's before and almost got sick!" THERE ARE SOME ONIONS UNDER THE GRAVY ON MY CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!! Scrape it off. then I said to Mike... "Hey can I use this small empty plate!?" he said I could I continued Mentally ... "Um, this is horrible I want to cry! It's too early for this! I just want breakfast and now I can't! I wanna wail on the ground and scream." I began scraping it off with the potatoes onto the small plate and the toast was tossed aside onto the table for lack of anywhere else to put it. Then I saw the whole plate is covered in sauce form this potato concoction. I stopped trying to get all the potatoes to fit onto the small saucer... odd thing is.. she got me the shredded hash browns I ordered also on a side plate? WTF!?

I had to get up and leave Mike alone at the table and go outside to calm down and not get sick!!! I went outside - relaxed some I smoke a cigarette and chilled out.

I went back inside - and as I sat down the smell of those stanky things got to me again. The server came over and was like "Um here is the other order of your shredded hash browns is everything ok?" I told her I didn't think I could eat anything and I asked maybe if she had a clean plate I could use. She was glad to be able to say yes and she ran to get me one.

I cut off the part of the chicken that was contaminated by the onions and such... and I moved the rest of the chicken to the new clean plate. I Also put the small portions of hash browns all onto the clean new plate with the remnants of my chicken... I was able to eat some of the chicken and some of the hash browns.... then I asked for a box for my left overs.

I felt like such a bitch! Poor Mike was so sweet asked if I was ok. He ate his food fine. Poor guy!

But the worst part... I JUST wanted to go and have breakfast and relax and I was in fact laughing and jovial minutes before she dropped off that food... I feel like such a dork and cry baby! And now... I"M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!! lol Oh well.... next time I'll speak up and make her take them back nicely so I won't panic and suffer! HAHAH! But you KNOW if I asked her to take them back (even though I'm not sure why they were on the plate in the first place?) They's spit in it or something!? Ya know? Ew!

Did I tell you we went to the stock show? I'll have to show you pictures soon!