OK here for example... I asked these fine ladies if they would mind taking a picture with me... they were in their element and content to be part of my picture albums!
Then there were the hair styles... I found this one and how should I describe it... it's retro? It's southern... It's... well here I'll snap a picture.. Hey Stevie... would you mind acting like I'm taking your picture please... smile!
Oh dang it CARL! YOu so totally walked in front of the camera and my example of Stockshow hair! Darn it ok I'll try again.... Here we go keep smiling Stevie... harder this time!....
OH HECK! WTF? Seriously lady? You couldn't wait ONE more second! Dang! OK Let's try this one more time.. .Stevie please? ok ok thank you SMILE! ...
Mullet achieved! and yes this is a man! If you look closely his hair matches his blonde leather jacket - and his friends are secretly chatting in jealousy... "Brad ALWAYS gets the fans I wish my hair grew as fast as his does!"
Stock shows are fun! they have beef...
And this!
Mock all you want, but DAMN I want that mullet!
I'll also go some big fat sausage too, and I'll take all the beef you got, with you guys there I'm tipping beef was plentiful... and with that thought I might just go and have a wee lie down!
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