Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Masks at my place!

I think we should all take a moment to enjoy a good Masquerade Ball -

here are some pics for the ball we had at our house a couple weeks ago!

It was fun!


Ninja Hot!

Me and My little one!

(Hoody Note:)*********
Have a good day! Oh and keep your eyes peeled for the Sisterhood of the traveling hoody Updates - this John Deer Hoody of mine is about to go on an adventure!

Who knows ... along the way it may get a new zipper? or a patch added to it? I don't know - but it's gonna have fun and we're going to follow it!

First stop to be announced... but had been determined!

1 comment:

The Mutant said...

Wow, how hot does your masquerade ball look! Awesome fun!

Everyone needs a good excuse to glam up from time to time and by the looks of it your friends have 'glam' in the bag!

Oh and bring on the Sisterhood! Sounds like it'll be awesome!