Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Farm Town

SO - I got Mike addicted to farmtown - when I say I -- I mean WE - All the gay guys who we hang out with have been using this application on facebook where you can play like a "Sims" sort of game and you grow and plant your own crops - building up your own farming empire complete with sending each other gifts of farm animals or trees or now they updated it and you can send flowers which need to be watered on some sort of regular basis --

BUT - as soon as I started a farm for Mike... he got all into it.. and tonight - it is gone... The facebook IT team has blogged that they KNOW ABOUT IT and that they were working on the problem-- some sources advised it had been hacked and was all gone. Others advised it was to due with the updates...

WELL, I've recently been able to buy a wishing well, a HUGE red barn - some new pathways - and I got many roosters (cocks) from friends... I got a BBQ with food on it - and a small house.. and ALL my crops were about ready to be harvested... and T"S GONE!~?


But my boss at work Just told me it's back up and my crops are still there and ready to be harvested.... I hope I have time ... I don't go to lunch until 3 am- still 30 minutes away! Wish me luck! I'm so relieved!


Mike "N" the Mechanics said...

Relax, It's back!

Nice to see StevieB said...

In bed all warm and happy last night I get a text. It's Mike, "Girrrrl! what am going to do? Farmtown is gone! How will I survive, my cows need me, really need me. They're not strong enough to survive on their own in the wild!"