I went to vote yesterday and I
strategically placed my vote time in between the morning rush and the lunch rush! It worked - although the lot of the church I went to was full I found the people inside were mainly volunteers or whatever working the poll place. (that sounds dirty! Working the poll place
Moving on...
As I entered the rec room for this building following the arrows on the wall to show me the way I saw a table. The table was full of people working on one side and empty of people being helped on the
outer ring. I met eyes with an older woman who was placed first at the table. She smiled so I felt obligated to go to her for the first step.
This was a calm looking older white haired little lady seated gently behind her posted spot at the table. Normally ladies of her stature and age shy away from chatting with me and I assume it's my size and sometimes my hair but mostly because
I'm pierced and
tattooed!? Maybe I'm wrong. This time I was!
As I was handed the small card to fill out I passed over my ID to the woman with a smile trying to put her at ease. No need I found! She started out by showing me where to put my name and address - then she began her life story.
"I have 21 grandchildren and the 19
th one is a boy and he plays baseball. He had a game the other day and he and some of the other players showed up to a game with blue hair. The Coach of his team was red with fury over it! But you know what? My daughter sure let him have it! Yes she did! She told him that her son
gets straight 'A's and is on the honor roll and shows up to every practice! She then told that coach to keep his head in the game and out of her sons hairstyle. "
I replied how cool I thought that was and I questioningly motioned as to where I should put my signature using the pen she'd handed me.
She went on "Yes honey you sign right there but only because I'm sitting here to witness it. (And without taking a breath) I have to tell you also that all of my grand daughters have tattoos! Well not Amy... or Georgia! They're too young. Oh well and Georgia is technically my great-grand-daughter but she's still a grand child you know!?"
Yes I know! It's still family isn't it!? Well that's cool!
Here is where she noticed I was inching in the direction of the next set of signs with arrows on them to the next check in point. "Oh hey yes dear you go on around to right there (as she pointed) and they'll help you out! Thank you for voting because YOUR vote counts too!"
I thanked her also and went on my way into the next step and then next I voted! (
Wahoo I voted!)
When I'd finished casting my vote and I headed to the last table set up to collect the cards we'd used to vote and collect my "I Voted" sticker to show proudly on my shirt.... I was thanks by the person tending to that station and then I headed out. (Mind you this little lady got a bit nervous as I walked up and she couldn't quite get her sentence out but her intentions of gratitude were clear enough!)

As I completed the circle
that'd been set up for a smooth voting process I walked down the hall and passed that firs little lady who'd shared her family tree with me and also her open minded thoughts of crazy kids like myself. She shouted out to me! "Thank you for coming in and have a great day!"
I replied yelling back into that room... "You're welcome thank you too for being here and hey... tell those
grand kids hello for me!"
"I WILL!" she beamed back!
What I'm wondering is how she'd go about doing that!? Maybe she'd start a phone tree letting them know!
Georgia is your sister home? ... I had a
punky voter who wanted to say hello to you kids....
I love it! Have a great day! HUGS! J