Thursday, December 25, 2008

It Smells HOT!

I answer the call by saying the usual “911?!” the woman on the other end… not so calm. It’s Christmas morning I picture her frantic getting ready for the holiday guest who’re bound to be arriving in the next five hours or so… and what do her wondering EARS behold… FIRE ALARMS!!!!

Yep I could hear them too! Beeping in the background.

She is panicking and saying it smells hot – Like toward the basement I think! I don’t see smoke and I don’t see flames but something is hot I can feel it.

I have to tone out 3 fire engines and a medic unit and also the battalion chief for this – they all go in route and eventually arrive on scene – advising me of their locations for staging in case the house bursts into flames… moments later though… “Command... this will be ok, the scene is stable, we can cancel all other units responding to this call it is an overheated hair dryer!”

The sentence was spoken calmly and clearly – but you could tell he was trying not to laugh.

See what happens when people try to get the perfect Christmas Hair!? I picture the woman with only ONE hair “wing” while the rest of her hair is damp and hanging soggy against her panic stricken cheek! Flailing her arms in the air as the 3 fire engines and the medic units arrive on her block…. Only to find out her whole family evacuated the house in all different stages of undress, because she overheated the hair dryer trying to get the perfect holiday full-body hair she’d always pictured. Woops!

Merry Christmas!

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