I am a reader - Never thought I'd say that as I was growing up. But I wanted to let people know that I am almost down to one book!
Status Report on my current Reads:

- Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice -- I'm at the Climactic end I think... almost done and have been trying to read this for two years now off and on. (So almost done!)

- Marked - By Mother/Daughter team PC & Kristin Cast. - Just picked this up at work it was laying around - people read books then set them out... Been reading it for about a month? (So Almost done about 2 chapters left?)

- Insomnia - By Stephen King - This is my first Stephen King book ever! Friend from work was telling me I should read one and see - so she brought it in to me... it's HUGE - but good s0 far, about 200 pages in or so. (May take some time and might end up being my one book!!!)
I've also started a book my friend Dalton bought for me a few years ago on one of his trips home from NY! (Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrell) It's a book about an old society of Magicians and how they challenged a man who was reported to be magical and he said if he did this challenge and proved he could perform magic they would be banned from calling themselves "Magicians" since they only studied it - then he used powers to help in warfare in London... it's very "Sparkly" and little bits of fancy all over - but it's also HUGE and kind of slow going in some spots - though I'd say I am about 300 pages in or so I still am not gonna count this one because I haven't actively read any for almost 8 months now. It may be my next goal.

Someone asked me how I keep the stories straight... I usually do it without a problem. I explained reading multiple books to me is like when you watch different movies or even better as an example would be watching TV - each show is continued with the next chapter the next week... you wouldn't NOT watch another show for fear you would confuse Ugly Betty with this seasons Nip Tuck. You just enjoy what you can when you can!
OK I was glad to almost be down to one book so thought I'd share. thank you! Have a nice day!