Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't be Flaky!

SO this last weekend was Gay Pride here in Denver! We had all sorts of booths for food and gay friendly services like dog sitters and stuff set up all over down town Denver's Civic Center Park.

IT WAS HOT! I spent much time outside walking around and the nights with little to no sleep so I could hang out with friends and family. Good times.

Well by the end of Sunday's Parade and Pride fest times... my face was burnt. YES I applied some sunscreen and rubbed it in but my face and forehead SWEAT like a thin plastic soda filled cup on a warm day. WET! So usually I get some sun on my cheeks and forehead... now that my hair is buzzed it's my whole scalp too.

This leads me to today and my handy dandy lesbian Roberta. I call her Bertie. (Like the character played by Sandra Bullock on Hope Floats!)

So I work with her but we are also friends outside of the workplace. Anyway, I'm at work and as each person came up to talk to me today I would have to intercept their shocked faces with a quick acknowledgement that "YES I know I'm peeling on my face" and "Yes I DID use sunscreen but I sweat it off!" we'd laugh and then move on.

I've applied Lida cane and sunburn stuff and lotion to help but this happens sometimes.. I burn I peel and then it turns to suntan.

SO As I'm sitting here clearing criminal records for different police officers I'm seeing out of the corner of my eyes that small bits of skin is hanging off my face or floating from my forehead onto the paper I'm writing on!

So it leads me to picking it off... sometimes large ish pieces of thin dead skin come right off and I throw it away.. but it's slow going and gross. I decided to use the roll of tape sitting next to me.. but it's scotch tape and light in it's pull of dead skin cells from my peeling forehead.

The Lesbian Bertie sees me using a rolled inside out piece of tape on my forehead and I ask her if she has any Duct tape... thinking it'd be stronger and more effective. It was a joke.. she is a lesbian after all and used to work at Home depot so then I thought maybe it would be an effective little jab producing some duct tape. Alas I was wrong...

BUT... she DID have black thick electrical tape from when she was fixing her cars tire for something. She's so handy! I groped for the roll of black thick sticky love and I cute a strip off. I then put it on my forehead and she was "So grossed out" yet she says "But I wanna RIP it off!"

She did and the sticky underside after just one rip was covered in dead skin... it HURT like A bitch too!

"OUCH!" I said.. "Ew" she said then we did it again! LOL

Our boss was then watching us use and re use more of the tape and now I have less falling off my face.! Besides... I'm going back to Seattle Washington this weekend for the holiday and seeing Mike's family and friends... I can't peel off slabs of dead skin into their soup... it doesn't make for good visit memories you know!?



Nice to see StevieB said...


What don't lesbians know! We'd fall apart with out their ingenuity.

The Mutant said...

You taped your burn off? That is so wrong... can I peel off the next strip????

Djrocco said...

You got class, you got charm, you have skin flakes on your arms... LOL

Sing it ....

Miss You!