Saturday, September 27, 2008


Did I mention I got up at 3am this morning (when I say 3 AM I truly mean my alarm went off at 3:35 and I hit snooze until about 3:50) to be at work two hours earlier than normal? Yes it's true! So today IS my "Friday" of the week! BUT It's a twelve hour shift today for me! I'll be very happy when 5PM rolls around and I get to go pick up my little teenaged wonderball of knowledge, joy and joyness! I sure like that kid!

I think I might try to sneak her into the clubs tonight I feel like dancing! She's got MOVESSSSS! ok I've only danced with her at wedding when she's reluctant and when I helped chaperon the junior high dance. But she was fun and kept me on the dance floor with her and her friends so I'm SURE she'll love the club! LOL? NO? OK maybe another time.


Nice to see StevieB said...

There's a 3 in the AM?

The Mutant said...

3:00 AM, also known as bed time! Getting up that early SUCKS, getting up that early on a Saturday REALLY SUCKS, getting up that early on a Saturday and having to work 12 hours... KILL ME NOW!

So did you smuggle your daughter into the clubs? Could be some wicked fun if you did!

FatManScreaming said...

I can sooooooooooo stay up until 3 am - but no way in hell can I wake up at 3 am.....

Freddyeyes said...

you know I forget that others don't work the hours and so since I'm surrounded by people who work all sorts of odd hours I feel like a bitch complaining all the time - I'm glad you guys get it! And YES the staying up til 3 - or partying until 3 - those I get - the reverse is HUGE for me! Not fun!