At work the supervisors or co workers tend to take turns buying cards for special, happy or sad occasions and then we all pass the card around and sign it for whoever.
Sometimes the passing of the card through the different shifts is very secretive. Like if they're planning to have like a pot luck on a different day and they maybe want the element of surprise to be involved! I think the concept is that even though I personally have signed passed around cards hundreds of times in my time here as a 911 dispatcher for others, maybe I will think "they all spent super amounts of special time to get me a card together and therefore it means more to me" if I don't see them signing it the day before? ... I'm not sure!? But either way it's cool to have things celebrated and either you can or don't have to sign... or you can bring food or not... (in some cases of course there's always that person who NEVER brings it and then ALWAYS eats more than anyone!) but that is a whole new blog!
So my point is this... the director for the dispatch center got a card for the head man in charge - who is a Nice guy and kinda hot for his age... but anyway it's his birthday... His name is Bill.... I had the card handed to me to sign.. I signed and passed it on.
The card made it's way around the room and then it very sneakily made it's way back toward us in a secret hushed voice sort of way.
"Why are you whispering?"
Holley in whispered tones: "It's for Lee and he's right there!"
Us "no it's not! It's for Bill!?"
Holley: "no it's for Lee! I know I just signed it!"
Us : "What? It's not Lee's Birthday!?"
Holley had asked one of the people who signed it before her and had actually handed her the card told her it was for Lee's birthday. Holley then opened up the card and glanced through it and thought Lee had signed the card...? Confused she asked the co worker, "How can it be for LEE is he signed it?"
The co worker pointed out that no... "It says HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE" and kinda gave Holley that look like as if to say "Um HELOOOOO???? DUH?????"
HAHAHAHAH! The director brought in a fresh new card for us to sign today for bill! We spent the remainder of our night last night wishing Lee a happy birthday and I'm not sure he knew why! LOL But we thought it'd be tacky to just "white-out" the names LEE that had been added to the messages from a few people and still give him that card ya know!?
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