Wednesday, June 24, 2009

That's HOT!

I sleep day time hours - and work Night time hours right now! this will change off and on depending on my work shift.

I got home this morning around 530 am - and I cuddled and chatted with Mike until he headed off to work - He took my car in and I got my oil changed and car washed and somewhat detailed - inside windows washed - my license plate holder attached and tightened - and much more I'm sure - While this was all happening I was at home trying to sleep!

It's been awesome heat wise - this summer has supplied much rain for Colorado - more than normal. But even on hot days we have a swamp cooler that cools the house if we open the right windows

Except today!!! - Today it was hot and muggy (which in Colorado does NOT happen! It's always DRY as bone!) and I could NOT get it to cool down
the Swamp cooler was on high but it wasn't cold - I was groggy and sleepy and couldn't get back to sleep for the hot uncomfortable ness!

Found out later it was on VENT not COOL! DANG IT!

Anyway Gay Pride is this weekend in Denver - Friends from California are in town now - friends from all over town will be meting up - and some dancing is in order -y0u should be fun! You should meet up with us!


The Mutant said...

Alright, so I've gotta ask, what the hell is a swamp cooler? You're not the first person I've heard make mention of one... I don't think I've heard of such a thing over here, I could be wrong though.

Also, I think you're lying... It may get hot as hell in Colorado, but never humid - ever, so I'm calling you on that one.

Oh, and yay for a car washa nd service - now if that were me, with fresh oil and filters in my car I'd find a nice secluded mountain pass and flog the bejesus outta my car, I assume you'll be doing the same?

Freddyeyes said...

Swmp cooler uis like an air conditioner - but it's a unit used to blow cool air off of water - or thru cold water - it's an AC alternative -

And FLOG - means to spank usually with a leather paddle - you do that to your car? LOL I love it!


The Mutant said...

Okay, so a swamp cooler is another term for evaporative air-conditioner then?

Oh, and I'm aware of that definition of flog, and essentially to do the same thing you your car is kind of similar, at the very least it means showing no mercy!