ok So I have the Man home... and things seemed to be going smoothly. Mike started his new job on Monday this week. It's a change from what he was used to doing when it comes to policies and time frames chargeable for jobs and such but he's still a technician working on the same type of vehicle's he's used to working on. So that's a good thing right!?
I'd been overwhelmed with the wonderful new man living with us - I also had my daughter home for the first time since he's lived with us (she's still adjusting but they get along great!) Then my daughter has her first high school dance ever Saturday night. She looked gorgeous. I did her hair! ha! She's in class - and I get a text message from her telling me she'd forgotten her lunch that day. Normally I'd run and grab her and take her to lunch - or drop her food off or even stay and eat lunch with her in the cafeteria. . . However I couldn't! (I didn't realize until hours later how much I COULDN'T) I had been doing Laundry, dishes in the dish washer and then I was scrubbing a pot from the sink that Mike had popped popcorn in the other night. It had burn marks in the bottom from the "old maids" or unpopped kernels. SO... I'm scrubbing and I noticed the water is filling up the sink on the side of the disposal.
I flip the switch for the disposal and it turns on. It sounds like it's working on something but the water is not going down. In fact it is now filling up the other half of the sink. So I think maybe something greasy is down there clogging it so I added some dish washing soap - (Palmolive -- "Look Madge I soaked in it")
Anyway - all that did was make the overflowed water soapy. Wahoooo! lol So I decide to give it a rest - I mean I AM doing laundry and running the dishwasher. I coudl lay off the kitchen sink for a bit right!? OK FINE!
SO I drop the pot back into the now half full and draining soapy sink. I'll wait. Only as I step away from the counter at the sink I realize my feet are in standing water! The kitchen is now filling the tile floor starting at the cabinet below the kitchen sink. Oh Hell!~!!!!!
I carefully fling the cabinet doors open and I start trying to get the contents of the cabinet out from underneath. I am throwing away saved empty grocery store and department store bags that are in fact filled now part way with water and flapping it into my face! My pajama pants were now soaking up like a sponge and almost wet up to my knees. So they're sticking to me and almost causing me to trip and slip on the floor. I'm gonna hurt myself AND someone else at this point!
I go down to the laundry closet and grab tons of towels - I lay them out in the kitchen and use them to help me clean out all the cleaning supplies from under the sink - the water has stopped making a larger puddle in the kitchen now but it's still a large mess.
I end up cleaning out the entire cabinet and throwing away things I've decided we haven't even seen for a year at least like a small plant holder and a watering pail that doesn't work too well without spilling (which is now full of water! I used it to water other plants! I'm green that way!) and some other useless stuff! I condensed the multiple bottles of "pet odor eliminator Fabreeze air fresheners" into one. I recycled the empty ones. The underside looks great now that I've dried it up and the odd thing is... I can't figure out what leaked. I used the disposal, I finished the load of dishes and laundry - nothing leaked even a little. Nothing looked cracked or broken.
So needless to say I couldn't take lunch to my daughter since I'd be on my hands and knees drying up and now doing a load of towels to boot!
THEN when it comes time to get out and pick my daughter up from school I get dressed, I grab my wallet - my keys..... um... My keys?.,.... where the hell did I put my keys? .... I narrow it down to either my sisters car in the door handle when we went to the haunted house the night before... OR.... My boyfriend Mike's car.... in HIS door handle when we'd gone out before that.... So I have no house keys and no car keys. AHHHH! BUT We have hooks in the closet for secret copies of the keys ! Thank goodness! I grab the one for the 2003 Saturn Vue! I run out the door now a bit too close to time for me to be making it to her school on time all the way across town. Ahhh! I intelligently leave the door for the house unlocked - I put the dog in his huge kennel - and I go to unlock the door for my car. NOPE!
Awwww hell - this is for the RED 2003 Saturn Vue! It's my sisters spare key! NOT MINE! I look at the spare tag and it says "red" - Darn it it IS her key! Where's MY Spare?
I know where it is! It's on my Mom's key chain! So I won't lose it! My MOM is all the way on the other side of the metro area for her Bowling league night! Dang it!
I call my younger sister Mandi and ask her to go pick up Shayla from school for me and explain why. I text Mike to see if he has my keys. No answer until he's already off from work because he's working so much he doesn't wanna get in trouble for being on his phone and stuff.
This is like the longest blog ever.
I got the kitchen cleaned up and the towels washed and the dishes put away and the daughter made it home and my sister even stopped by and grabbed some food for her to munch on since she'd missed out on lunch. The day was hectic! But we made it!
My Day did actually get even worse a few hours later... but I'm still here. It's been a rough week but you know what... My new man hasn't wavered. I say NEW man - he's been with me for some time now - but it's been a hectic first week and he's only held on tighter when he hugs me!
I'm lucky as hell!