Thursday, October 9, 2008

Not sure how...

I need to figure out how to post more than one main picture in a blog but or now I'll share this interesting picture taken at the down-home-country-cookin-eatery known as the cracker barrel (which always makes me think of a barrel of white folks!)

But why do we bring out porcelain dolls with us to breakfast? (Shayla {my daughter} used to call them Porsha Lynn dolls which... even though she's all cute and innocent made me think total porn star! LOL)
Anyway these ladies I think were drug-filled-doll dealers... that's my theory!


Anonymous said...

Kreepy with a Kapital K!

The Mutant said...

Dolls create some sick obsessions, like, have you seen the ones that look exactly like a real baby *shudder* I've always been creeped out by porcelain dolls, so I don't think I would have been able to have breakfast there!