Friday, May 22, 2009
Man of a million "Hats"
I think I need to publish them some place...
OK Now I'm off for dinner with Stevie B and Fuz - and Mike too of course! MMMMMM MEAT!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Dang it! Almost there!
Here's my Quit date info....
Time Smoke-Free:
21 days, 15 hours, 10 minutes and 19 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 324
Lifetime Saved: 2 days, 11 hours
Money Saved: $99.00
Seriously!? $99????? Come on... I'm waiting to hit the one hundred dollar mark to celebrate - that's a mile stone isn't it?
this quitting thing is great except for the fact that it sucks and is hard! I'm just saying!
Arrrrgh! OK Thank you for listening you may now go back to reading through dirty web sites of adult content... class dismissed!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Google World!

I Wish
I wish for more hope, hope for the future. I wish there was more love. Love for the environment and people. I wish for more joy. I wish for peace, a movement for it. I wish for more trees. I wish for gay rights, now.
Name: Meaghan Parker
Age: 17
City, State: Rochester, NH
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cougar Radio
While working we some times have down time. In reality that's good for the general public because it means they're not having death - murder or in general any emergencies!
It allows us time to bounce jacked up songs or idea's off each other. One co worker calls some of our older ladies that we work with his Cougars! They love it! He discusses how he loves one ladies hot C-PAP lines from her oxygen tubes at night when she comes in... he tells another how her smokers voice is the sexiest thing and that they should go to Tijuana together! (She tells him no saying "You'd leave my old ass there!")
Well recently he's come up with the concept of a "Cougar" radio station! Randomly he'll sing jingles for it! Or in his best radio announcer voice he spout off "All cougar! All the time" Followed by multiple people in the room making cougar like cat growling attack noises!
Recently they made a "cougar Barbie" commercial that'd been sent around in emails! It was awesome! Two girls played with cougar Barbie while she seduces a pack of unaware frat boys into her house and then didn't let them leave - with her belly hanging over her too low rise jeans and her short ratted hair stiff as she snuck up to block the doorway as some of the boys tried to leave... she also entertained those frat boys with a nice seductive dance to the tune of "Small town Girl" by Journey!
So now that song gets performed a few times a night! --- Enjoy
All COUGAR RaDIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sing it!)
Cougar Barbie Knows all the LATEST dance moves!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day 17 thought for the day!
$6 x 1 pack (20 smokes) = $0.30 per cigarette
17 days X 15 cigarette’s X $0.30 = $76.50
76.50 is just about how much we spent for our fancy Austrian dinner and drinks in Aspen –
All paid for with money I wouldn’t have had if I kept smoking!
(Then I JUST about smoked right after dinner - I'd had a HUGE boot full of beer - and wanted one bad - but I didn't - it was close though! lol)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Road Side Secret Compartment!
Well, whatever type of vehicle it was... Mike made mention that the smaller SUV type vehicle has a jack to help in changing the flat tire but that they wouldn't find it unless they checked the owners manual. I scrunched my nose and thought "Well they were looking where I would have looked" as we drove by...
He then explained that he'd spent some times trying to find it on that same type of automobile but didn't realize there was a secret compartment under the passengers seat for the car jack.
I just picked up my cell phone as we drove and called 911 -- I figured I could save them some time by phoning that information in... when the operator answered I immediately asked if they had a different non emergency line for my call in their area... she let me know she could help... so I explained we'd passed a sheriff's deputy for their county who was on the West bound lanes of I-70 assisting some girls in an SUV change a tire but that my Boyfriend was a mechanic and he said they may nit find the jack very easily... I explained why where and how... and she put me on hold - when she came back she verified that the jack should be under the passenger seat and I said yes. She said GOOD they're looking for it! She thanked me and I let her go....
Odd to be on the other side of calls but Mike just kind of smiled and shook his head at me... now I'm wondering... maybe he was kidding... I should have double checked before I called them huh!? Oh well couldn't hurt! lol
Jerrod's ABC's!
B - Bed size: Queen - if I'm sleeping alone I'm all over that thing - like a wrecking ball - but if Mikes home with me in bed then it's perfect for room to cuddle or not either way! Plus our room isn't large enough to anything else if we had anything larger I think
C - Chore you hate: Dusting, Pulling Weeds - scooping up the dog poop... yeah - blech
D - Dog’s name: Ours is Lunar - as a kid I had Sabrina and Sadie - that's all
E - Essential start to your day: Pee Break!
F - Favorite colour: Green - many shades of Green are good too! I like to have the Green napkin if there's that option when we go out - or the other night we went to dinner at Liz's house and she had fiesta wear - but I shared the Green plate with Mike because He likes Green too... I don't think he cared as much as I would have but I like Green
G - Gold or Silver: Silver - all my earings in my head and face are silver
H - Height: um I used to think for some reason I was 6'2" but I'm only 6'1" - not sure why - maybe I'm so heavy I've shrunk an inch since like middle school? Hmmmm
I - Instruments: I play trumpet - it's been a while and my chops are out of shape but recently I've played a few scales on it to make sure I remembered how... I've got the basics - but not the chops! lol
J- Job: 911 Dispatcher for now.. I've been a balcony painter... a customer service phone guy - cashier... sales ... cook ... worked at a haunted house... all sorts!
K – Kids: I have one of my own! Many others who I love and wish I could see more often! I wish I could see ALL the kids more often they are a lot of work but they make me happy!
L - Living arrangements: I live in a cute house - nothing super flashy but it's very nice - 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms - (All with our own shower) with my younger sister - My partner Mike, My daughter has her own room and bathroom but only comes home part time but she lives with us of course and we have one dog
M - Mum’s name: Deb! One of my all time favorite people ever in life!
N - Nicknames: Bucko, Fred, Jer Bear, I think that's it!~
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: ew no fun - I've had stitches - oh oh once in Junior high I had an overnight in the hospital- this things so dramatic isn't it... hmmmm
P - Pet Peeve: when I get irritated with silly stuff - I am my own pet peeve! lol
Q - Quote from a movie: "I'm stuck here til you get happy! So GET HAPPY!" (Then slams her face with a flat shovel!) :::Drop Dead Fred::: such a funny movie - Snot Faces!
R – Robot or Human?: I always find that when I see the real robots - I am a bit let down... I expect them to be SO human like or so animal like but I'm expecting too much I think!? Like - my dad was SO into Sci fi - I've been watching movies showing robots for decades now... but the real thing is almost ALWAYS not up to my expectations! You know? Humans... they usually mean well! I like them!
S - Siblings: 2 - One sister older - about 7 years my senior - and one sister younger by about 2 years - we all get along pretty well!
T - Time you wake up: this changes constantly and drastically depending on days on or off from work - and which schedule I'm on for work and If I have my daughter or if we have plans... No telling! And usually try to sneak a nap in there some place!
U- Underwear: Right under ... THERE!
V - Vegetable you dislike: I found out the other day I'm not huge on brussel sprouts... I wanted to...and I ate it - but it wasn't my favorite - Broccoli is not the best nor is cauliflower - I'll keep trying though...
W - Ways you run late: like this ::::demonstratesbeinglaeoneway:::::: and then this ::::::demonstratesbeinglateanotherway:::::: -kidding- usually I don't leave enough drive time for my destination! And I am like a Mag Pie - so I'm on my way out the door - I see the mail box - I grab the mail I take it into the house... I then see the dog dish isn't full of food so I fill it before I head out... needs water dish full too then hey where are my sunglasses? Oh I don't like these shoes now I should change them... it's nuts!
X - X-rays you’ve had: Chest - and Dental! I like the dental ones - Not doing them every year but how they look - then once in a while they do the full frontal dental scan and I can never get all my earrings out so they look so cool with these metal rings floating around in different distances from my teeth! fun times!
Y - Yummy food you make: Frozen Pizza's - totinos! Cheap and easy! Like me!
Z - Zoo favourite: I like the tradition of taking our family';s picture in front of the mountain of Big Horn Sheep - Kind of like the one we'd take in front of the Ferris Wheel at Elitches each summer too always changed which cousins or aunts and uncles came that year - made it cool to compare us all to our own pictures the year before! Good times! But I like the amazon building too! and the bird house rocked but stank!
I like watching the seals! And the polar bears -
DO this if you'd like! I had fun!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Get Down!,0,3621093.story
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mack Attack!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
TV is the New Chihuahua
I just took a call that seems like even LESS of an emergency than the loose Chihuahua calls we get …. (At least those could pose a traffic hazard I guess)
Me : 9 1 1?
Caller : I am calling 9 1 1 because this guy here won’t let me watch the right channel on my TV
Me : Ok sir so you would like an officer to respond because he won’t let you watch the right channel on the TV (TV is playing in the background)
Caller: that’s right! I know it’s not a HUGE emergency but my address is 5492 ***** Blvd ……I want him to know officers will respond. I need them to respond.
Luckily his address is out of our area so I got him to right city… but yes… we have people who call 911 for everything.
I shrug it off and then I add the clothes to the soapy water in the washer and close the lid for it's cycles to keep going.
I then open the dryer to add a dryer sheet which I'd forgotten to do and I see in the filter thingy that it's got some more "worm like things... they're not worms it's small bits of paper and tons of wet tobacco..... Um... I haven't smoked in a week at this point so I'm thinking to myself... OH HELL.... Where'd I leave that full pack of cigarettes!?
Dude when you smoke you know RIGHT where you set your open pack! I'd had them at a wedding we'd gone to the week before but I forgot I left the whole pack in my pants cargo pocket! I had not gone looking for them because after that I'd only smoked ONE cigarette!
I found the pack - but only after I weeded through the load and found all the small wet filters that had broken off of them! GROSS!
Needless to say I will check the lower pockets of my pants and shorts from now on! Haha! But I won't have any more cigarette's in there if I stay on track! HAHA!
Oh and let me say! Glad it wasn't Worms!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Quit THIS!
SO - Here's something I found on a fellow Bloggers page since he's quitting too!
enjoy! I'll keep you posted... BTW - I'm on day 9 now just over 2 weeks! Wahoooooooo I'm a non smoker I think? We'll see!
What Happens to Your body if you stop smoking Right now?
In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.
In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, and oxygen levels will return to normal.
In 48 hours your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level.
In 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase.
In 2 weeks your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
In three to nine months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
In 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half.
In 5 years your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.